Thursday, October 22, 2009

To VIEW items: Items are posted in blog format.
When you scroll down the page, you will see all items up for auction. You can then choose items to see/bid on.
1. At the end of each auction post, you will see a "Comments" link.
2. Click on "Comments."
3. Place your bid--please ONLY include your name, email, phone number (if you wish) and bid amount. This is for security purposes--do not list any other personal information.
4. In "Profile," choose Anonymous. You will be prompted to enter a security word. Enter the security word. If you get an error message, enter a second security word.
5. Your bid is posted.
6. Items will be listed on this blogspot through the month of November.
ALL bidding will close online on Thursday, December 3, at NOON, and these bids will be posted as high first bids at the Extreevaganza for more bidding that evening.